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2024-10-15 03:52 已有 人浏览 新宝GG注册
本文摘要:Chinese companies are behind nine of the ten most lucrative mobile games in the Apple app store globally in terms of gaming revenue in May, an unprecedented dominance of the global gaming industry, according to a new report from data tracker App Annie.根据5月苹果应用于商店全球游戏收益统计资料,在十大最吸金手机游戏名列中,中国企业出品的游戏集中于九个,中国企业在全球游戏行业这种独占鳌头的盛况前所未有。

Chinese companies are behind nine of the ten most lucrative mobile games in the Apple app store globally in terms of gaming revenue in May, an unprecedented dominance of the global gaming industry, according to a new report from data tracker App Annie.根据5月苹果应用于商店全球游戏收益统计资料,在十大最吸金手机游戏名列中,中国企业出品的游戏集中于九个,中国企业在全球游戏行业这种独占鳌头的盛况前所未有。King of Glory, Fantasy Westward Journey and Clash Royale are the top three mobile games, ranked by revenue.按照手机游戏收益名列,《王者荣耀》、《梦幻西游》和《部落冲突:皇室战争》名列前三。Monster Strike, Grand Order, Ghost, Clash of Clans, Eternal Myth, Candy Crush Saga and Tianlongbabu make up the rest of the top-ten ranking.《怪物弹珠》、《命运—冠位登录》、《幽灵》、《部落战争》、《神话永恒》、《糖果消灭传奇》和《天龙八部》紧随其后。Except for Monster Strike, which is produced by Japanese firm Mixi, the other nine games all count Chinese companies as their backers.除《怪物弹珠》出自于日本Mixi公司外,其他九个游戏都由中国公司参予反对。

Chinas predominance in mobile games comes even though Chinese players account for only one quarter of mobile gaming revenue worldwide.即便中国手游玩家贡献的利润只占到了全球利润的四分之一,中国手游依旧顺利争夺战了霸主地位。The global gaming market was valued at US$101.1 billion in 2016, up 10% year-on-year.2016年全球游戏市场价值1011亿美元,同比快速增长10%。Chinese players contributed US$24.6 billion in revenues, the largest share, while U.S. players came a close second with US$24.1 billion, according to investment firm Atomico.根据调查公司Atomico的数据,中国市场的利润仅次于,高达246亿美元,美国市场略居其次,收益241亿美元。

Tencent Holdings Ltd. is currently the biggest winner in the sector, backing five games among the top ten: King of Glory, Clash Royale, Clash of Clans, Candy Crush Saga and Tianlongbabu.目前腾讯集团是游戏领域的仅次于赢家,其中有五款名列前十的游戏都有腾讯参予反对:《王者荣耀》、《部落冲突:皇室战争》、《部落战争》、《糖果消灭传奇》和《天龙八部》。Its ascent in the gaming sector is testament to its international merger and acquisition strategy.腾讯在游戏领域的兴起为其全球收购战略的顺利获取了有力证明。

