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华为智能手机营收大幅增长 Huawei handset sales revenues leap 87%“新宝GG一键登录”

2024-08-22 03:52 已有 人浏览 新宝GG注册
本文摘要:Huawei, the Chinese telecoms hardware maker, has unveiled an 87 per cent surge in handset sales revenues in the first half of 2015 and says its consumer elec琀爀漀渀椀挀猀 business — primarily smartphones — accounts for one-third of global revenues.中国电信设备制造商华为(Huawei)报告2015年上半年手机销售收入剧增87%。

Huawei, the Chinese telecoms hardware maker, has unveiled an 87 per cent surge in handset sales revenues in the first half of 2015 and says its consumer elec琀爀漀渀椀挀猀 business — primarily smartphones — accounts for one-third of global revenues.中国电信设备制造商华为(Huawei)报告2015年上半年手机销售收入剧增87%。该公司还回应,其全球营收的三分之一来自以智能手机居多的消费电子业务。

The privately held company, known for its telecoms network infrastructure business, has seen rapid growth in its smartphone division, which it launched under its own brand name three years ago.这家私人所有企业以电信网络基础设施业务著称,但其智能手机部门快速增长快速增长。华为在三年前发售自身品牌的智能手机部门。Huawei yesterday published unaudited figures showing it shipped a total of 48.2m smartphones in the first half of the year, up 39 per cent from the same period a year earlier. Combined with a higher sale price, aimed at the top end of the market, revenues shot up even faster year on year to reach $7.2bn.华为昨日公布予以审核的数据,表明今年上半年智能手机总出货量约4820万部,比去年同期快速增长39%。由于华为手机以高端市场为目标,售价较高,营收同比快速增长更加慢,超过72亿美元。

Huawei’s success comes as other smartphone makers grapple with slowing growth in China, where smartphone sales shrank 4 per cent in the first quarter, according to researcher IDC, the first such drop in six years.就在华为获得巨大成功之际,其他智能手机制造商正在艰苦应付中国市场快速增长上升。根据研究机构IDC的数据,今年第一季度中国市场智能手机销量增加了4%,这是6年来首次经常出现暴跌。Homegrown rival Xiaomi looks set to struggle to meet an initial sales target of 100m phones this year and even a revised goal of 80m, after announcing this month that it sold just 34.7m devices in the first half of 2015.今年,华为在中国本土的输掉小米(Xiaomi)显然将很难已完成最初制订的1亿部手机的销售目标,甚至连调整后的8000万部的目标也有可玩性。

小米本月曾宣告,2015年上半年只售出了3470万部手机。Meanwhile, Apple on Tuesday said revenues from Greater China more than doubled to $13.2bn, thanks to a surge in iPhone sales, but saw $66bn wiped off its share price after overall iPhone sales disappointed. Its iPhone sales of 47.5m units for the three months ending in June were at least 1.5m below the number Wall Street was expecting.与此同时,苹果(Apple)周二回应,由于iPhone销量的剧增,该公司在大中华区的营收快速增长一倍以上,超过132亿美元。然而,由于iPhone总体销量令人沮丧,苹果股价下跌,市值冷却660亿美元。在截至6月份的3个月里,苹果的iPhone销量为4750万部,最少比华尔街的预期数字较低了150万部。

Wang Yanhui, head of the China Smartphone Alliance, an industry association, said that while Huawei’s figures showed about half of its sales were in China, the figure was probably closer to 60 per cent. Technical features such as a long battery life and stable connection on China’s high-speed trains have lifted Huawei’s popularity, he added.行业协会——手机中国联盟(Mobile Phone China Alliance)秘书长王艳辉回应,尽管华为的数据表明约一半的销量来自中国,但该数字有可能更加相似60%。他补足说道,华为的电池续航时间很长,而且在中国的高铁上也能平稳联网,这些技术特性提高了华为手机的人气。Richard Yu, head of Huawei’s smartphone division, attributed the rapid increase in smartphone sales to a decision to target the upper end of the market, “a testament to our core business strategy to offer premium quality products”, he said yesterday.华为智能手机部门主管余承东(Richard Yu)将华为智能手机销量的快速增长快速增长得益于公司以高端市场为目标的要求。

余承东昨天回应,这一快速增长“是对我们获取优质产品这一核心经营战略的证明”。However, CK Lu, a China smartphone market analyst at Gartner, sounded a note of caution: “To become a truly global tier-one player, Huawei must find a way to enter the US market.”不过,低德纳(Gartner)中国智能手机市场分析师吕俊宽(CK Lu)规劝称之为:“要想要沦为确实的全球一流厂家,华为必需想要办法转入美国市场。”Since 2012 Huawei has been effectively blocked from big business deals in the US by Congress due to concerns that the company founded by Ren Zhengfei, an ex-military officer, spies for China — a charge Huawei denies.自2012年以来,华为在美国实质上被国会推开在大笔商业交易门外。


