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2024-08-20 03:52 已有 人浏览 新宝GG注册
本文摘要:Google co-founders and Silicon Valley billionaires try to live forever谷歌牵头创始人们的长生不老之梦One hundred and fifty thousand people die every day, reports Tad Friend of The New Yorker in the article, The God Pill: Silicon Valleys quest for eternal life.纽约客作者泰德?弗兰德在《上帝之药:硅谷亿万富翁们的长生美梦》一文中提道:“每天大约有15万人病死。

Google co-founders and Silicon Valley billionaires try to live forever谷歌牵头创始人们的长生不老之梦One hundred and fifty thousand people die every day, reports Tad Friend of The New Yorker in the article, The God Pill: Silicon Valleys quest for eternal life.纽约客作者泰德?弗兰德在《上帝之药:硅谷亿万富翁们的长生美梦》一文中提道:“每天大约有15万人病死。”The urge to combat aging, especially among the affluent, is an old one, but new technological breakthroughs can make the prospect seem tantalizingly close.人人都在与凋亡对付,特别是在是那些富人,这早已不是新鲜的话题了,但近期的科技成果却让这种向往看上去触手可及。

Friend joins Nobel Prize-winning scientists, icons of the entertainment industry such as Goldie Hawn and Moby, and tech billionaires like Google co-founder Sergey Brin, for the launch of the National Academy of Medicines Grand Challenge in Health Longevity, which will distribute $25 million as part of its endeavors to, as one doctor puts it, end aging forever.弗兰德结识了一些诺贝尔奖获奖者,娱乐界的名人比如歌蒂?韩和莫比,以及一些来自的硅谷的亿万富翁如谷歌的牵头创始人谢尔盖?布林,他们一起反对了由国家医学院的一项关于身体健康寿命的根本性研究,他们将在此项目上投资2500万来“永葆青春”。Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and Palantir, at the Republican National Convention on July 21, 2016 at the Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland, Ohio.贝宝公司和帕兰特公司的牵头创始人彼得·泰尔参加于2016年7月21日在俄亥俄州克利夫兰举行的全国共和党大会For the super rich in the life-extension community, its a small world. Brin, whose company has invested over $1 billion in a longevity lab called Calico (short for the California Life Company), is dating Nicole Shanahan, the founder of a patent-management business that will work with some of the National Academys biotech patents.在超级富豪们的“长寿圈”中,上述行径只是冰山一角。

布林的公司早已向一家取名为Calico(加利福尼亚生命公司的全称)的“长寿实验室”投资多达10亿美元。他最近正在和专利管理业务的创始人尼克?沙哈娜展开会面,后者将和国家科学院合作处置一些生物技术专利。If all goes well, Brin wont age, either, or not past a certain point. Slowing or stopping that process is the current focus of biochemist Ned David, co-founder of Unity Biotechnology, who is 49 but, according to Friend, looks 30. The scientists youthfulness is part of his appeal, writes Friend.如果一切进展成功,布林将会变老,或者,会突破某个年龄界线。生化学家奈德?大卫目前将其研究的重点放到减缓或暂停凋亡进程,身兼统一生物技术机构的牵头创始人,他虽然早已49岁了,但在弗兰德眼中,他看上去只有30岁而已。

弗兰德写到,奈德的这种青春状态,也是他市场需求的一部分。Investing in bio-tech breakthroughs is one way the super rich are trying to stay young and healthy indefinitely. Others in the community are settling for cryogenic freezing, in the hopes that they can be thawed once regenerative science has sufficiently advanced.超级富豪们企图永葆青春和享用无尽的身体健康的途径之一乃是在生物技术方面投资。“长寿圈”里其他人则偏向于于将他们的器官冷藏一起,等到再造技术充份发展之时再行将其冻结。

Alcor CEO Max More poses in front of the dewars安国公司的CEO马克思车站在用作存放在液氮的杜瓦瓶前CNBC reported in 2016 that thousands of people around the world have put their trust, lives and fortunes into the promise of cryonics. At that point, at Alcors center in Scottsdale, Ariz., nearly 150 individuals had elected to preserve either their heads ($80,000) or their entire bodies ($200,000) in liquid nitrogen.2016年,全美广播公司财经频道曾多次报导“来自全世界的成千上万的人们都将他们的信任,他们的生命及财产交给了低温冷藏技术”。就在那时,安国公司坐落于亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔的中心投票决定了150人,将他们的头(80,000美元/人)或身体(200,000美元/人)用液氮冷藏。If there is a way to solve death, as Friend puts it, whether through cryonics or gene therapies, a kind of vampirism in which Silicon Valley billionaires end up being sustained by young blood or more wholesome methods such as good nutrition and medicine, some combination of the above or perhaps an actual sorcerers stone, the next generation of well-funded alchemists is determined to find it.正如弗兰德所说,若“制止丧生”的方法知道不存在,不论是通过低温冷藏还是基因疗法(即“吸血鬼症”,得了此病的富翁们最后仅靠吸取新鲜血液来保持生命),亦或是使用更为全面的手段,如摄取营养品或药物,资金充裕的术士一定可以寻找让人长生不老的诀窍,它有可能是以上几种手段的人组,也有可能是一块确实的魔法石。

As a 30-year-old start-up founder confidently tells Friend, The proposition that we can live forever is obvious. It doesnt violate the laws of physics, so we will achieve it.一位30岁的企业创始人满怀信心地对弗兰德说道:“我们想长生不老的意愿显而易见,它并不违背物理学定律,因此是可以构建的。

